Allan Levene for Congress 2014
This website has been restored and archived as supplemental reading material for Guy Wilson's course American National Government. Dr. Wilson has a law degree from Texas A&M, has written a successful blog on US law and has worked as a personal injury attorney in Houston since 2015, focused on car accidents. He achieved significant notoriety after running for office without a party affiliation, which he discusses in this course. Students may download the course summaries, complete syllabus, and reading list from his webpage.
This was the official website for Allan Levene's run for Congress. Levene was willing to attempt, and finance, simultaneous campaigns across the country because he says he doesn’t have the time to run “in series”, convinced he’ll be dead within 10 years. More importantly, he was convinced that in four years the US would face certain calamity, unless he’s able to intervene.
Because of widespread gerrymandering and the difficulty of unseating an incumbent, Levene surmised that the surest route to Congress would be to win a primary for an open seat, preferably in a district tilted toward his party, the GOP. Originally he wanted to run in four states: Georgia, Minnesota, Michigan and Hawaii. He first focused on the spot being vacated by Gingrey in Georgia’s 11th, in the suburbs northwest of Atlanta. Eventually he ended up running in two districts, Georgia's 11th District and Hawaii's 1st, which makes him the first person to run for Congress in multiple states at the same time.
On May 20, 2014, Levene was defeated in the Georgia Republican primary.
On August 9, 2014, Levene was defeated in the Hawaii Republican primary.
Content is from the site's 2014 archived pages and other outside sources.
If elected, I will be the first and only English-American member of the House of Representatives since the Founding Fathers.
Why should you care?
Because I am a businessman first, have connections in the British and European governments and have never been on state or federal government's payrolls.
In my book not being a career politician is a big plus. As a long time self-employed businessman I think in terms of working within budgets, not spending far more than my business income as our federal government does.
The public typically complains about Washington, and elects the same types of candidates over and over again, every few years. So who are they? Lawyers and state level politicians working their way up the career ladder. Where has that got us as a nation? It's time for a change and elect people with common sense, something lacking in Washington.
Representing my district in Washington will not be the culmination of stepping stones of government positions, a career path that has gotten this nation into its biggest financial mess ever; it's a common sense desire to fix the root problems in our government. What are they?
Spending far in excess of income and accelerating that process, a weak job creation approach, career politicians who won't leave office, are inflexible and make deals with special interests, and a terrible foreign policy that is changing our nation for the worse.
This is what I'll do in a nutshell. For details click "What I'll do" in the menu bar above.
End corporate taxes. That will flood this country with foreign money, not the phony money printed by the Federal Reserve.
Void congressional pensions if they don't quit after no more than twelve years in office. It will be much easier to enact than a Term Limits Amendment.
Modify the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 to eliminate the Postal Service requirement to pre-fund their pensions for up to 75 years! This was designed to bankrupt the post office in favor of private industry. I must reverse that pre-funding clause to save the postal service from either bankruptcy or forcing it to dramatically raise the cost of postage.
I think in terms of trends, as I was a stockbroker in my twenties, with a specialty in municipal finance. I know how government operates; that they squander money. It must end, as our nation's trendline has be down since the turn of this century. I must work to reverse that course so it starts to go up again. Public prosperity must return as a solid uptrend, and not just in pockets of good fortune.
I believe that unless our financial condition is corrected we will have a financial meltdown between 2018-2020. That meltdown will severely damage us, far more so than the financial trauma of 2007-08. I must work to stop that from happening.
Because I'm known in the British and European governments, I can also focus the eyes of Europe and other countries on my district? How?
The press will find out that I am outspoken. The public will hear the truth, not words calculated to tell the public what they want to hear. If you know me personally, you know that you hear my opinions loud and clear... all of the time. The same will go for the House when I'll speak.
I believe in probity, honesty, solid ethics and decency.
The other candidates will be invisible if elected.
Europe is paying attention to this 11th District race. Although England is smaller in size than the State of Georgia, it has tremendous influence, as the U.K. includes the Commonwealth of fifty-three nations and accounts for two billion people on the planet including one quarter of the land mass!
Imagine all of those eyes focused on the 11th District. That will translate to new business opportunities for my district and metro Atlanta. The 1996 Olympic Games cost over $2 billion. Other than the sporting aspects, it was all about bringing business to Georgia. I can do that for practically nothing.
If another candidate wins, no one in Europe or other nations will notice or care. If I'm elected, they will.
So please support my campaign, both in donations and forwarding my website link to your friends and colleagues as well as on Twitter, Facebook and others.
Why elect me?
If elected, I will be the first and only English-American member of the House of Representatives since the Founding Fathers.
Why should you care?
Because I am a businessman first, have connections in the British and European governments and have never been on state or federal government’s payrolls.
In my book not being a career politician is a big plus. As a long time self-employed businessman I think in terms of working within budgets, not spending far more than my business income as our federal government does.
Representing my district in Washington will not be the culmination of stepping stones of government positions, a career path that has gotten this nation into its biggest financial mess ever; it’s a desire to fix the root problems in our government. What are they?
Spending far in excess of income and accelerating that process, a weak job creation approach and a terrible foreign policy that is changing our nation for the worse.
This is what I’ll do in a nutshell. For details click “What I’ll do” in the menu bar above.
End corporate taxes. That will flood this country with foreign money, not the phony money printed by the Federal Reserve.
Void congressional pensions if they don’t quit after no more than twelve years in office. It will be much easier to enact than a Term Limits Amendment.
Modify the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 to eliminate the Postal Service requirement to pre-fund their pensions for up to 75 years! This was designed to bankrupt the post office in favor of private industry. I must reverse that pre-funding clause to save the postal service from either bankruptcy or forcing it to dramatically raise the cost of postage.
I think in terms of trends, as I was a stockbroker in my twenties, with a specialty in municipal finance. I know how government operates; that they squander money. It must end, as our nation’s trendline has be down since the turn of this century. I must work to reverse that course so it starts to go up again. Public prosperity must return as a solid uptrend, and not just in pockets of good fortune.
These are trendlines -
This shows the DOW Jones index trending upwards for over a hundred years, including what happened when we wrestled away the world’s reserve currency from Great Britain in 1944. From 1944 to 2000 we were in an uptrend; it was boom-times until this century. Although that uptrend flattened after year 2000, it should have started to go up again as it did in 1983. Our massive increase in debt is like a boat anchor, and is dragging us down.
This is a downtrend. There are short periods of uptrend, but the general trend is down. Because of of our massive overspending, China will likely soon grab the global reserve currency status, and we’ll suffer. Permanently.
I believe that unless our financial condition is corrected, we will have a financial meltdown between 2018-2020. That meltdown will severely damage us, far more so than the financial trauma of 2007-08. I must work to stop that from happening.
As I’m known in the British and European governments, I can also focus the eyes of Europe and other countries on my district? How?
The press will find out that I am outspoken. The public will hear the truth, not words calculated to tell the public what they want to hear. If you know me personally, you know that you hear my opinions loud and clear… all of the time.
I believe in probity, honesty, solid ethics and decency.
The other candidates will be invisible if elected.
Europe is paying attention to this 11th District race. Although England is smaller in size than the State of Georgia, it has tremendous influence, as the U.K. includes the Commonwealth of fifty-three nations and accounts for two billion people on the planet including one quarter of the land mass!
Imagine all of those eyes focused on the 11th District. That will translate to new business opportunities for my district and metro Atlanta. The 1996 Olympic Games cost over $2 billion. Other than the sporting aspects, it was all about bringing business to Georgia. I can do that for practically nothing.
If another candidate wins, no one in Europe or other nations will notice or care. If I’m elected, they will.
So please support my campaign, both in donations and forwarding my website link to your friends and colleagues as well as on Twitter, Facebook and others.
Let me know what you think. I’ll publish comments –
Invest just $3.33 a day, billed weekly for eleven weeks to bring common sense to Washington. Elect a solutions minded candidate, not a career politician.
What I’ll do
I am your common sense candidate. No fluff, just common sense.
Our nation is in a mess. Why? Because our congressional representatives don’t know what to do. They take credit for any lucky turn of events, and blame the other party when things go wrong. They are not leading with a firm plan to fix our nation’s problems. They belong to the school of wishful thinking.
In a nutshell, what I want to do -
Lower corporate tax rates to zero.
Stop the massive overspending by voiding congressional pensions if they don’t quit.
Allow homeowners to rent their properties, when HOAs say no.
Help companies manufacture here rather than in China.
Help people get off of Social Security Disability Income (SSDI).
Repeal Title VIII of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006.
Investigate major national tragedies with three commissions, not one.
Reward success, not failure.
Lower the corporate tax rates to zero so that foreign businesses come here, and U.S. corporations will bring their over $1 trillion back from overseas. We need to become a tax haven for overseas businesses. This will generate hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs. .
Stop the massive overspending and force the incumbent senators and representatives out after eight years, four terms for representatives or two terms (12 years) for senators. Eight years is plenty, not thirty-eight years.
How? By stopping them accumulating funds between campaigns and cancelling their pensions if they don’t leave after eight or twelve years.
A new congressman will have eight years in office before losing his small pension if he insists on running again. An established politician with more than eight years will lose it if he runs again. So if a congressman has been in office for 20 years, he’ll likely leave as his pension will be huge and forfeited if he registers again. That’s what I want. They have to go.
You don’t need a Term Limits Amendment, just hit federal incumbents where it hurts them most… in their wallets. How will it be enacted? Adding riders to must pass spending bills, and then have the public lobby Washington. RememberSOPA and PIPA? The power of the people stopped them from being passed.
I will propose a bill to block campaign donations in non-election years so that, in particular, special interests can’t continue to pay-to-influence lawmakers every day that they are in office.
I will also propose blocking refundable candidate loans to his or her campaign. Why? Because a wealthy candidate can buy an election by just loaning himself $5 million and deposits it into his campaign account, scaring off other challengers who can’t possibly match these funds. The wealthy candidate then takes the money back in full after being elected.
I will propose that once money is deposited or donated into a campaign account, after each election, all of those monies must be transferred to the FEC and donated to the top 50 charities so that each candidate or electee has zero funds in his committee account. That will level the playing field, and stop the massive accumulations between elections.
I will propose a bill to publicly fund two post office mailings to voters during each federal election, one a month before the election (primary and/or general) and the second a week before.
Why? Because the largest issue that a challenger has is exposure. It’s very expensive to contact voters, so many voters don’t even know that the challenger exists.
My bill will authorize two letters, each with a paragraph from each candidate and incumbent in a contested race, and web site addresses that will encourage voters to research each candidate’s ideas and platform. It will help to level the playing field.
I will sponsor a bill to remove the word Incumbent against a candidate’s name from ballots. Why? Because this is a subtle way to tell the voter who to vote for. It’s wrong and I to need to level the playing field. Every little bit helps.
The truth is that I think that many voters enter the voting booth not knowing which of the candidates to vote for in many of the races. They vote for familiar names, or names they like! The use of the word Incumbent gently pushes the voter to vote for the person in power.
Incumbents have all the advantages. They build huge donation war-chests with much of the money donated by special interests. They are known as they have access to the media. And they can tout their voting records.
Incumbents and special interests will oppose this since it will interrupt their cozy relationships. It needs interrupting.
We must stop our government’s spending binge. Our government takes in only 60% of what it spends. It’s like living on credit cards which that will lead to disaster. Our national debt is increasing by over $40,000 a second!
Pass a bill that will allow homeowners to rent their sub-division property if forbidden or restricted by association by-laws. Why? Because Americans like to move around, and the housing market crash/bubble has trapped homeowners into staying in their homes and will do so for years to come. If a homeowner can rent their home, they’ll buy another.
The associations that have this restriction will object to this legislation. Why? They will say that renters don’t keep up the property exteriors and will lessen values throughout the subdivisions. Ignoring the foreclosure factor and that property prices are stagnant anyway, the answer is simple. A section of my bill will include a clause that associations must negotiate pricing and approve three different lawn-care companies for use by prospective landlords. The landlords will be obligated to pay outside lawn-care/yard maintenance costs while the houses are rented.
The property owner will be required to prepay to the association the cost of outside lawn-care and yard maintenance for each entire lease to be allowed to rent their house. The landlord can add the cost to the rental, satisfy the association and rent the property. Life goes on, in spite of the associations.
If that happens then the real estate market will boom again and the public will become confident in their future. At this time, homeowners can’t afford to move and leave their home empty; they can’t afford to sell at a loss and they can only refinance. That will keep them there longer and the real estate market will stagnate, far below its 2006 levels.
Provide significant incentives to manufacture here, and not China.
Help people get off of SSDI, Social Security Disability Income. By 2020, about 16 million Americans will be collecting about $18 billion a year! The key problem with this program is that there isn’t any provision for not getting a monthly check from the taxpayers! Once you get a check, it’s yours forever as the government does not review accounts!
Even more astounding, by the year 2020, the equivalent of these entire state populations will be on SSDI – Nebraska, West Virginia, Idaho, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, DC, Vermont and Wyoming! That’s every man, woman and child. This is a disaster in the making.
I want to help the people who want to work, without cutting off 100% of the benefit. I want to phase it out; the more money they make the less SSDI they receive. I want to create an incentive not to be disabled, but to be productive and become a taxpayer.
Repeal Title VIII of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006. This part of the act was designed to cripple the Postal Service by forcing them to pre-fund up to 75 years of pensions for postal employees. No other business, or agency has this burden. It has resulted in frequent requests to raise postal rates, a request to end Saturday mail delivery and other techniques to help the Postal Service survive. It won’t as the debt burden is crippling, helping commercial companies take over postal services.
Investigate major national tragedies with three commissions, not one. Conspiracy theorists point to errors and omissions of single commissions (9/11, Kennedy assassination, etc.) and are divisive. If three completely independent commissions investigate traumatizing events and operate in secret (possibly granting witness immunity), the release of three reports at the same time will show that they have similar findings or not. They will have to account for the discrepancies. In any instance, the American public will know more of the truth and stop the never-ending “cover-up” speculations.
Reward success, not failure.
An economic hurricane is approaching and we need to reverse our country’s disastrous borrowing path The worst is yet to come, even with President Obama’s “mandate.” He is in deep trouble.
Our massive overspending and debt will lead to the dollar losing its reserve currency status. That will cause rapid inflation and an economic collapse. Why? Because foreign governments are starting to believe that we can never repay our national debt, increasing at over $40,000 a second!
And why is it increasing so fast, with no end in sight? Because we cannot get rid of our incumbent congressmen and senators. They are so well entrenched and fixed in their views that they cannot change to make sound decisions. After eight years in office, they should all go. And I know how to do it.
So why does it matter if foreign governments lose faith in our ability to control spending and repay debts? Because they will force us to pay higher interest rates on our government bonds causing a sharp rise in inflation, and they’ll start bypassing the dollar for international transactions. It’s all supply and demand. If the US dollar is in demand, we are in control. If not, we lose control. We are about to lose control.
What does that mean? The US dollar is used for almost all international business transactions. That’s what keeps the dollar strong. If foreign governments and companies stop using the dollar and move to another currency, or basket of currencies, it will be a disaster for us. That will cause the cost of our imported goods, including oil, to soar.
I’ve seen what this does first-hand as a partner in a company that was hugely impacted by these trends. An independent janitorial supplies business that relies on international customers and raw materials is completely at the mercy of the dollar. This is because many of the raw materials that go into cleaning supplies - things like dish soap, laundry detergent, even trash bags - rely on foreign suppliers, and dollar fluctuations impact these janitorial supplies impact ROI. It wasn’t pretty, and it will cause a dramatic change in our way of life, for the negative. If you think things are bad now…
We’re now in perpetual wars, have over doubled our national debt from under $6 trillion (60% of Gross Domestic Product) in 2000 to over $16 trillion (107+% of GDP) in 2013 and accelerating! It’s estimated that in just 3 years, in 2016, it will be over $21 1/2 trillion! That is over 125% of our GDP. Greece started to collapse when it reached 120%.
Unlike some people seeking office who want to extend their local political careers to Washington so they can “feather their nests” for themselves and their children, by getting rich at public expense, I do not. I have no intention of making backroom deals and lining up consulting jobs when I quit after eight years as a representative.
As I’m sixty-four and we don’t have any children there are no secret motivations. I have a burning desire to help to my adopted country get back on track. I need to form a caucus of like minded representatives in Washington, and force change that will benefit America, not the opposite.
Why money and permanent politicians is at the root of our nation’s problems? Listen to how campaign finance has corrupted our system.
How Congress works
I am your common sense candidate. No fluff, just common sense.
It’s called “kicking the can down the road.” Over the years I have watched Washington slowly eviscerate our country with financial decisions that defy any logic, especially since 9/11, and I’ve wondered why. Over the years I’ve watched our national debt get steadily larger and wondered just how long that this madness can continue. This century was supposed to be golden for America. So far, I don’t see any gold. It’s going to get a lot worse.
Over the years, I wondered who would step up and work to resolve the dreadful mess that our smug and glib politicians have gotten our country into.
Here’s how the game is played in Washington. First an explanation about the big numbers… billions and trillions. In four years our national debt will be about $22 trillion (up from $15.6 today), and our unfunded future committed liabilities, an added $120 trillion. That includes Medicare, Medicaid, prescription drugs, Social Security and the like.
A billion dollars is a thousand million dollars. That’s a lot of money, but chump change nowadays to our government. The new billion is a trillion. Add three zeros to a billion and you’ve got a trillion. So a trillion dollars is a million, million dollars. Think about that number, a million, million dollars. Yes, it’s a lot of money. It’s so much, that at this time, each taxpayer has a ridiculous $1.2 million dollar liability against our country’s debt. In other words, our government has obligated you and your children to owing this money for promises made today so they could be reelected.
Each year our national debt is increasing by about a trillion dollars. That’s a million, million dollars that our government spends more than its income! All is not lost, because we just borrow it (mostly from the Chinese) and pay an average of just 3% interest on the money. So that trillion dollars “only” costs us $30 billion a year in interest charges. So where does the $30 billion dollars come from? We borrow that as well. In that way our government can keep spending and never worries about paying it back. That’s the future generation’s problem. As the British politicians say in England, “I’m all right, Jack.” But if you have kids, tough luck on them. But there is a problem! What happens when the foreign governments start to worry about our repayment abilities? It’s just like you spending too much and the banks check your spending to income ratios through the credit agencies. That’s when you either get cut off or your interest rates spiral upwards. That will happen to us.
This is about as far as our politicians and political candidates think. How do we repay the money? It’s mostly rhetorical public hand-wringing to either stay in office or be elected. They secretly know that they can continue this game of musical chairs for a lot longer until they’ve retired, fat, happy and rich. Someone else will take the fall.
But it gets worse, far worse. I know, as I’ve lived through the worse part, and no-one else running for election in this country has… ever. It’s called loss of reserve status.
No one has stepped forward, vocally and loudly told the American public what’s in store for them. Why? Because no representative or senator has lived through currency devaluations triggered by the loss of reserve status so they don’t know. I have, as I was born and educated in England. The British pound lost its reserve status to the U.S. dollar and its been downhill ever since. Great Britain used to be the world’s super-power; not anymore. The root cause was the slow collapse of the British pound, triggered by the loss of reserve status.
I’ve seen devaluations and they aren’t pretty. The American public is going to get really mad. But by the time they do, it will be too late. The Republicans will blame the Democrats, and vice versa. Each party will have the same message – re-elect us and not them.
My job will be to explain (and help stop) the financial scenario caused by these ongoing massive borrowings and their hidden consequence – the loss of the reserve status of the U.S. dollar. Why can that happen? Because other countries will lose faith that we’ll ever pay off our rapidly spiraling debts, and eventually they will believe that our currency will become next to worthless. That will be our 21st century disaster; not threats from terrorists real or imagined, not the crushing interest on our spiraling debts when interest rates increase again and not from global climate change.
It’s all about reserve currency status, the 80% of the iceberg under the water and not the 20% you can see. What sunk the “unsinkable” Titanic? Not the part they could see, but the ice under the water. That underwater ice is the reserve status of the U.S. dollar.
So what’s the resolution? In simple terms, it’s replace our politicians every eight years. The core problem is that our elected Washington politicians are in office for life. The public cannot get rid of them, as they have engineered the system so that it’s almost impossible for an incumbent to be replaced.
Why will that help resolve our financial problems? The answer is several-fold. As foreign governments are very concerned with our massive spending, replacing our Congressmen and women every eight years (two terms, twelve years for senators) will restore credibility that we will get control of our spending, and actually start reducing our deficits. Why?
Because newly elected Congressmen and women won’t be so desperate to stay in office that they need to spend trillions on public programs to buy ensure reelection. They will do what’s right for our nation, and not what’s right for them so they can stay in power.
Under the current system of lifetime politicians it means that they can be as reckless as they want, spending trillions, amassing personal fortunes and power and get away with it. This has to stop and I know how. In a sentence, it’s leave voluntarily after eight years (twelve for senators) or lose your pension. That will get their attention.
Provide financial and voting support for my candidacy and sparks will fly. Statistically, it takes over a million dollars to depose an incumbent. With the advent of social media it’s now far less, but it still takes a lot of money. Please donate so I can be elected to Washington, and with like-minded colleagues, I’ll work to stop the spending madness.
Let me know what you think. I’ll publish comments –
Invest just $3.33 a day, billed weekly for eleven weeks to bring common sense to Washington. Elect a solutions minded candidate, not a career politician.